When your hobbies get in the way of your work – that’s OK; but when your hobbies get in the way of themselves… well. – Steve Martin
Eta Sigma Gamma
Eta Sigma Gamma is a honorary society for health education and promotion. I have been part of Eta Sigma Gamma since Fall 2023 as non-executive member. Eta Sigma Gamma has brought me the opportunity to participate in building safe sex kits for Caracole. While also donating perishables for the Bearcat Pantry.
Black Arts Collaborative
The Black Arts Collaborative consists of different creative artistic expressions dance, music, visual and poetry. I am part of the poetry department.
This is one of the many art pieces I have done in the three years that I have been painting. I started this hobby in high school for an elective and have kept up with it ever since. The painting you see here is of a picture I took on my trip to the Niagara Falls in the form of French Impressionism.